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Prevent Scams

Help keep your account safe

Help Prevent Potential Scams

At Tyndall, your security is our top priority, and this page is a vital resource for maintaining a safe digital environment. We want to empower you to actively participate in safeguarding your personal information by becoming aware of and reporting potential scams. By reporting, you contribute to a more secure online community. Reporting not only helps protect your information but also strengthens the overall safety of all Tyndall members. Whether it's a phishing email, a suspicious text message, or a fake website designed to deceive, our security team is dedicated to investigating and addressing each report. 

Safety Tips
  • Only use apps and websites you trust
  • Avoid using public wifi if you need to check your accounts on the go–use your phone data instead
  • If you're not expecting a call from Tyndall, don't answer the phone 
  • Let unknown numbers go to voicemail
  • Hang up and block the number if you do end up on the phone with a scammer
  • Tyndall will NEVER reach out to ask for your personal, credit card, or account information over the phone
  • Check for misspellings in text and links
  • Use protected payment methods
  • Check for misspellings in text and links
  • Keep your phone up to date and consider installing anti-malware software
  • Use multi-factor authentication on your accounts
  • Monitor your statements and look for any unauthorized charges
  • Set up alerts to notify you any time your card is used.
  • NEVER use your email, date of birth, or last 4 of your social security number in usernames or passwords
Report Scams
To report a threat, please include any relevant details such as screenshots, URLs, and the date and time of the incident. Email your report to our security team at, and we will investigate promptly.
Privacy Assurance
Your privacy is important to us. All reports are confidential and used solely for improving our security measures.
How We Protect You
  • Reimbursement for Fraudulent Credit Card Transaction: If you see an unauthorized charge, tell us immediately. We will work with you to investigate and reimburse you if the charge is unauthorized.
  • Secure Technology: Use your phone's biometric setting. Our app supports Face ID/Touch ID for quick and secure account access.
  • Account Monitoring: You can monitor transactions, manage alerts, turn your card on or off, and more with our Tyndall Cards app and Online Banking.

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Account Safety Blogs