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Financial Literacy

Enhancing Your Financial Well-Being

Financial Literacy empowers you to make informed decisions about your finances.

Tyndall is here to support our members of all ages and stages understand concepts such as creating a budget, managing debt, and making strategic financial decisions to begin saving, investing, to reach financial goals.

Regardless of your stage in life, Financial Literacy offers you an opportunity to start where you are.

Building a budget helps you to have a clear understanding of your income and expenses.

Even if you are starting by creating a budget for your allowance, you will gain the ability to see how much money you have coming in and manage where you would like to spend it. 

Use our budget calculator to analyze your monthly and weekly income and expenses to identify ways you can spend, save, or invest.  This will also give you the opportunity to look at cutting cost in certain areas.

Budget Calculator

Use this calculator to estimate what monthly and weekly income and expenses are.

Are you finding that your weekly or monthly cashflow is not enough or in the negative?  Explore the information below to find ways to build a budget, reduce expenses, speak with a Certified Financial Coach, and more.

Looking for more information?

Tyndall has partnered with KOFE to provide additional financial resources for our members.

Schedule a Financial Literacy Class

Tyndall volunteers will come to your organization!  Click the link below to get started.

Financial Wellness Blogs

Schedule a Financial Literacy Class

Tyndall volunteers will come to your organization!  Click the link below to get started.