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Tyndall's 69th Annual Meeting

March 13, 2025 - 6:00 PM (Central)

Tyndall Operations Center • Panama City, FL

Our 69th Annual Meeting will take place on March 13, 2025, at Tyndall’s Operations Center, located at 3109 Minnesota Avenue in Panama City. The format will be a short, simple business meeting only, focused on the performance of the credit union in 2024.

Reports will be presented by the Chairman and Treasurer of our Board of Directors, the Nominating Committee, and the Supervisory Committee. Election results for the 2025 Tyndall Board of Directors will be announced. This meeting is open to all members and is an opportunity to meet the Credit Union’s Officials, Management and Staff, all of whom work for you.

Nominations by Petition

Since balloting will conclude prior to the Annual Meeting, nominations for positions on the Board of Directors will not be accepted from the floor of the meeting. Instead, members 21 years or older who wish their name to appear on the ballot must be nominated by petition. Petitions for Nomination, as well as Volunteer Application Forms and Release Authorizations, are available from or call 850-769-9999. Petitions require the signatures of five hundred (500) Tyndall members over the age of 16.

Volunteer Application Forms seek necessary information regarding Candidates’ qualifications for the office. The Petition Form, the Volunteer Application Form, the Release Authorization (authorizing a background and credit check), a candidate photo (jpg format; minimum resolution of 300dpi), a biography of 250 words or less, and an Agreement signed by the Nominee stating he/she is eligible to hold the office and will serve if elected, must be submitted to the attention of the Secretary, Board of Directors. All required information must be received to, no later than 5:00 pm on February 7, 2025.

Balloting Procedures

If there is only one candidate for each open position on the Board, there will be no electronic or paper balloting. Instead, a vote will be taken at the Annual Meeting to determine the election of the proposed candidates.

If there is more than one candidate for each open position, electronic/paper balloting will be required, and will begin in February, prior to the Annual Meeting. There will be no balloting at Tyndall branches or by Absentee Ballot. You must be a member as of January 31, 2025 to be eligible to vote.

Detailed voting instructions, along with each candidate’s photo and biography, will be provided in the branches and on the Credit Union’s website at prior to the election.

If electronic/paper balloting is required and you do not have the electronic device necessary to vote electronically, but wish to cast a ballot, you may call or write us to request a paper ballot. Requests for paper ballots will be accepted from February 18, 2025 through March 6, 2025. The phone number and mailing address will be provided in the election details that will be posted in the branches and on the Credit Union’s website at Please find each Candidate’s photo and biography enclosed.